Inspiration, Determination, and Devotion

Suriya was born in Bangkok, in 1981. He finished high school at Ratchavinit Bangkaew School and graduated from faculty of Liberal Arts, English major, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University.

He has been interested in advertising media since he was in high school – inspired by Sing Kanong Na, a Thai television advertisement at that time.

He’s always pushed himself to pursue his dream. No matter how hard he had tried to pass the exam to study advertisement at Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, he missed his goal.

He started over agian by preparing himself to study at Communication Arts, Bangkok University. But again, he faced a new obstacle. His family didn’t allow him to study there.

He, then, had to study English, faculty of Liberal Art, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. The past failure made he more determined in his study and it took 5 years to complete with 2.14 grade point everage. Read more? Click [+] below.

After his graduation, he spent quite a long time to find a job. He had applied for many positions, but he was unsuccessful. He thought that he was not fit with those jobs.  

After spending some time to think it over about his life, Suriya finally decided to get into an advertising career. He did not have a degree in Advertisement or even had a connection with someone in advertising business.

Suriya has read almost all of the books about advertisement including pocket books and advertising awards books. He also shell out his savings to buy Cannes DVD, SHOTS, ARCHIVE to learn more about it. Knowing that without a degree of Advertisement, he would have to try harder to fulfil his dream.

He attained almost all of advertising media seminars and hope that one day he would get into this business circle or someone would recognise him.

Finally, his dream started to blend into reality. He became a trainee at SPA advertising as a copywriter.

During his work period, he found a thread in Pantip website saying that there’s an advertising seminar held by Amarin Publishing. Without hesitation, he joined them although he had to spend all of his savings with for course.

And finally he is getting closer to his goal. His work from the workshop got the 2nd rank out of 31.

From that seminar he got a chance to work at McCann Erickson, where Mr. Yutthana, a CD and a seminar helder ask him to join his team.

He started his career path working as an Art Director without having any Photoshop and Illustrator skills. Because of his determination, he had learned everything by himself and after that he was successful in this position.

He won 2nd prize of Award School of Australia after working at McCann Erickson for only1 year.

He got Bronze Prize from ADMAN, in ARS Chalk campaign, and also got Certificate award from B.A.D. in the same campaign.

And he got to the Finalist Cannes 2010 of T.A.T. Beach Sandal.

After that he work at TBWA Thailand as a Senior Art Director. After a 6 month work, he decided to quit his job to help his father’s office work and stared his own small business.

Today, he is ready to be back to the advertising society.


Inspiration, Determination, and Devotion


Art Direction and Copy writing 

– Although he doesn’t started his career as a copy writer, he can do it including writing a radio spot, creating a product slogans, and writing scripts.


From more than 10 years experiences in advertising and online marketing business, he profoundly and clearly understand what “BRANDING” is.


Although he didn’t get a degree from business school, all of his working experiences has been enhanced his business skills.

He can give the best advice about business goals and strategies to his clients.

Social Content & Online Marketing

According to his online business experiences for over 5 years, he truly understand online customers’ behaviors including how to create a content in order to catch his customers’ interest.



– Although he doesn’t started his career as a copy writer, he can do it including writing a radio spot, creating a product slogans, and writing scripts.

HTML 70%
UX/UI Design 85%
Keynote/PowerPoint Presentations 95%
Social Marketing / E-Commerce 80%


Some opinion about Suriya.

– Although he doesn’t started his career as a copy writer, he can do it including writing a radio spot, creating a product slogans, and writing scripts.

I like his creativity. For the first time I met him, he wanted to be a copywriter. But I believe that he can do more. He can improve himself as an art director and finally he can do it. And he is beyond expectation.


I used to work with him by chance at McCann. Although his idea is not that outstanding, his passion helps him improve his skills than the others in the course. His perspective and idea is quite strange but it can be applied to his work.


I didn’t work with him directly but I could see his outstanding and crazy ideas and his determination.


I had been working with Pond (Suriya) for a while. He’s friendly and funny. The layout he made is great. He’s diligent in his work and always be on time. Anyway, I really like his creativity.


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